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Welcome to the Charles Owen Ltd Web Site

Welcome to the Charles Owen Limited Web site - Here you will find details of Charles Owen Limited's products and services as well as information on location and corporate matters.

Charles Owen Ltd is a United Kingdom Limited company with expertise in mechanical and electrical engineering and has developed a range of products for the brewing, cellar and bar industries. A range of the finest English Ales is brewed with a dedication to the brewers craft and the use of the finest ingredients.
A major strength of the company is the detailed and extensive design proving undertaken by the Directors. Every product is put through a thorough operational test involving exhaustive testing and the consumption of huge quantities of brewed product.
A purpose designed brewery has been constructed to brew the finest beers available. The beers are available at the Engineers Arms. Beer



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©2000-2019 Charles Owen Limited

Evenings you'll want to remember - Mornings you'd rather forget